Is John the Baptist the same person as John the Apostle (author of John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Revelation)?
No, they are not the same. John the Baptist was Jesus’s cousin, the son of Zechariah, six months older than Jesus (which is how some …
Walking in His Steps: A Jesus-focused Study
No, they are not the same. John the Baptist was Jesus’s cousin, the son of Zechariah, six months older than Jesus (which is how some …
Museum of the Bible Exhibit, Inventors of the Alphabets at the Vatican Library
Museum of the Bible Exhibit on the Samaritans “Guardians of the Torah”. Only 850 remaining!
Exegesis research paper with Thesis statement. Explores the historical, cultural, and literary contexts. I then Analyze and exegete the text verse-by-verse utilizing the commentaries and journal articles. I Address the significance and application of the passage to the Christian life and church ministry.