Category: Old Testament
Hebrew Word Study: 2 נָעַר (Overthrew)
The word study process within the Elementary Biblical Hebrew textbook is a little different with verbs compared to nouns. The first two steps are similar, …
Content Essay: Zephaniah
Zephaniah characterizes the Day of the LORD as a day of divine judgement when the Lord intervenes in the world to judge His enemies. The …
Hebrew Word Study: בַּ֫יִת (house, household)
“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:15, New King James Version). The word study for this passage is …
Interpretive Commentary: Zechariah 12-14
Historical Setting and Date Shortly before Judah’s fall, the nation experienced fragile peace and prosperity, accompanied by conflicting prophecies with some predicting doom and others …
Hebrew Word Study: אַרְבֶּה (Locust)
The word study process within the Elementary Biblical Hebrew textbook is a five-step process to uncover the deeper meanings and intentions behind a key word …
Content Essay: Isaiah 7-9
Within Isaiah 7:1 – 9:7, the historical context of the Immanuel sign is during the Syro-Ephraimitic conflict between 735-732 BCE, involving Syria, Ephraim (also known …
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job
Major Themes of the “Wisdom Theology” in the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes These books demonstrate wisdom that is considered “higher” and more “reflective” than …
Psalm Genres
Five of the major psalm genres/groups found in the Book of Psalms include Descriptive Praise Psalms, Declarative Praise Psalms, Nature Psalms, Lament Psalms, and Enthronement …