January 30, 2025

Marine Analogy to Christian Warriors

Below is an excerpt that shows an analogy of the US Marines to what we need from Christian Evangelist Warriors.

A New Generation
If current trends continue, the younger generation could be the last Christian generation in America. We believe, however, that God wants to raise up a new generation of Christian warriors. We further believe, regardless of the statistics, that God is still actively at work calling young men and women who will go against the grain and will turn the tide. With God’s help, they will make a stand and change the spiritual destiny of Americans.

“The Few, the Proud”
The Marine Corps is a branch of the US armed forces. Their motto is “First to Fight: Ready to win on land and at sea.” Their stated mission is to be first on the scene, first to help, and first to fight. For this, they have earned the reputation as “America’s 911 Force,” our nation’s first line of defense. The Marine Corps is ready to respond on the ground, in the air, and by sea. This integrated approach distinguishes the Marine Corps as the premier US expeditionary force.

Marines pride themselves in upholding core values of honor, courage, and commitment. The marine motto is Semper Fidelis, Latin for “always faithful.” Marines are to remain faithful to the mission at hand, to one another, to the corps, and to country. In boot camp, marines are taught that becoming a marine is a transformation that cannot be undone. Once made, a marine should be forever faithful and live by the ethics and values of the corps. There is no such thing as an ex-marine.

Marines swear an oath to uphold the US Constitution against all enemies and to obey the orders of the president of the United States. Their symbol includes a globe signifying worldwide presence. When in their dress blues, they wear a scarlet “blood stripe” down the leg of each trouser in honor of fallen comrades.

Spiritual Marines
The reason we have dedicated ourselves to training young adults is that we believe God is calling out a new generation of Christian marines, sold-out followers of Jesus who are the church’s first line of defense. They are willing to be first on the scene, first to help, and first to fight. They are ready to respond to the need of the hour by spreading the gospel by land, air, sea, or any other means available. They are young men and women of honor, courage, and commitment.

This army of young adults must be dedicated and always faithful to the Word of God, passionately dedicated to the orders of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission. They are committed to the mission at hand, to one another, and to the church. Jesus has transformed their lives with a metamorphosis that cannot be undone. They refuse to give up, give in, or go back.
They wear the “blood stripes” of Jesus Christ on their hearts and in their lifestyles. They are willing to put their lives on the line for the cause of Christ. They are spiritual marines.

Good Soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ
Paul also had the privilege of investing in champions such as Titus, Silas, Luke, and Timothy. Timothy served as lead pastor for the strategic church in Ephesus. Ephesus was the sending center for spreading the gospel through Asia Minor. In his correspondence with Timothy and his church, the Ephesians, Paul encouraged Timothy to remember that he was a spiritual warrior:

    Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:11–12)

    You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. (2 Tim 2:3–4)

    In order to make a difference in the murky spiritual waters of the first century, Paul told Timothy that he needed to see himself as a spiritual change agent. If you and I are to make a spiritual difference in a culture where Christianity is in steep decline, we must also adopt the mind-set of spiritual warriors. We must become spiritual marines.

“Served His Generation”
More than 3,000 years ago, a young man was watching sheep in the Judean wilderness. During David’s lonely times in the wilderness, God put a passion in his heart to make a difference. David adopted the personality and values of a spiritual marine.

A few years later, when no one else would stand against the pagan Philistines and their giant champion, Goliath, David did. He alone stood up against the grain, against the scorn of his brother, and faced Goliath. Crying, “Is there not a cause?” he ran into battle. God joined him in his courageous endeavor, and together they brought down the giant and won the battle.

After many more successful campaigns against the enemy, David inadvertently was given the favor of the people. When the jealous envy of King Saul consumed him, he turned against David, running him out into the wilderness. David became a fugitive fleeing for his life. Yet David remained faithful to God and to God’s people.

After Saul’s death, David became the king of Israel and Judea. As the king, David led his entire nation back to worship God. He set the stage for Israel to build the temple and be a people dedicated to God. In summarizing David’s life, Paul said that David “had served his own generation by the will of God” (Acts 13:36).

Our desire is that God will raise up an army from this generation who will adopt the mind-set and values of spiritual marines. They will be ready to serve. They will not be afraid of bringing down giants. They will serve God in their generation.

A Few Good Men and Women
In 1779 in Boston, Captain William Jones of the USMC advertised for “a few good men” to enlist in the corps for naval duty against the English. In a culture rapidly moving into the moral vacuum of post-Christian secularism, a few good men and women can make a difference. Our deep desire is that God will use us to recruit and train an army of men and women who will stand up and say, “I will be a spiritual marine. I will serve my generation.”

Dave Earley and David Wheeler, “The Supreme Challenge of This Generation,” in Everyday Evangelism: Sharing the Christian Faith (Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2010), 30–32.

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