United’s Got Talent (Video)
United Baptist Church, Women’s Ministry, Talent Show
Walking in His Steps: A Jesus-focused Study
United Baptist Church, Women’s Ministry, Talent Show
As related to Esther and God’s redemptive mission, what is the significance of timing, the place, and the choice to be made by her?
Exegesis research paper with Thesis statement. Explores the historical, cultural, and literary contexts. I then Analyze and exegete the text verse-by-verse utilizing the commentaries and journal articles. I Address the significance and application of the passage to the Christian life and church ministry.
This is an interpretive paper but structured as a commentary would be structured, following the literary units within the assigned Old Testament passage, and providing interpretive analysis of each literary unit. The Interpretive Commentary engages directly with the biblical text to observe, interpret, and apply the text through an inductive means that also incorporates research into the interpretive issues that surround the historical, literary, and theological elements of Scripture.
This is an interpretive paper but structured as a commentary would be structured, following the literary units within the assigned Old Testament passage, and providing interpretive analysis of each literary unit. The Interpretive Commentary engages directly with the biblical text to observe, interpret, and apply the text through an inductive means that also incorporates research into the interpretive issues that surround the historical, literary, and theological elements of Scripture.
This is an interpretive paper but structured as a commentary would be structured, following the literary units within the assigned Old Testament passage, and providing interpretive analysis of each literary unit. The Interpretive Commentary engages directly with the biblical text to observe, interpret, and apply the text through an inductive means that also incorporates research into the interpretive issues that surround the historical, literary, and theological elements of Scripture.
This is an interpretive paper but structured as a commentary would be structured, following the literary units within the assigned Old Testament passage, and providing interpretive analysis of each literary unit. The Interpretive Commentary engages directly with the biblical text to observe, interpret, and apply the text through an inductive means that also incorporates research into the interpretive issues that surround the historical, literary, and theological elements of Scripture.
An overview of 2 Chronicles 26 – 29 that discusses Historical Setting and Date, Authorship and Audience, Major Theological Themes, and Enduring Theological Truths.
Does God want Israel to have a king? After a critical analysis of the negative statements (1 Sam 8:1-22; 10:17-19; 12:1-25) and positive statements (1 Sam 9:1-10:16; 11:1-15) concerning kingship, what is your conclusion concerning kingship for Israel?
2. How do Genesis 17:6, 16; 35:11; and Deuteronomy 17:14-20 relate to the negative and positive statements concerning kingship in 1 Samuel 8-12?
3. Does the author of 1 Samuel depict kingship in a positive or negative manner? How does
this relate to the message of 1 Samuel and its relationship to the rest of the Old Testament?
What is the recurring cycle that appears in the book of Judges? How does this relate to the theology of the book of Judges?
2. Is there any prophetic significance to the recurring cycles in Judges and the concluding statement of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what
was right in their own eyes.”? If so, explain how, and if not, then explain why not.
3. What is the central message in the book of Judges and what is its relationship to the rest
of the Old Testament?