Movie Night: Play the Flute (Photos)
United Baptist Church, Fun In Fellowship Ministry hosting Movie Night – Play the Flute. Here are some pictures from the event.
Walking in His Steps: A Jesus-focused Study
United Baptist Church, Fun In Fellowship Ministry hosting Movie Night – Play the Flute. Here are some pictures from the event.
United Baptist Church Bus Trip to Sight & Sound in Philadelphia to see David. (Photos)
Video overview of Joshua from the Old Testament
United Baptist Church, Fun In Fellowship Ministry Trip to Museum of the Bible. This is the recap video.
How do the experiences of Moses in Exodus 1-6 parallel the experiences of Israel in Exodus 12-34? What specific theological principles are communicated in the parallels?
Identify the specific Scripture verse or passage related to each parallel you discuss.
How do the parallels of Moses’ experiences in Exodus 1-6 and Israel’s experiences in Exodus 12-34 relate to Christian life today? Be specific and connect the theological
lessons with New Testament Scripture supporting the continued relevance for today.
United Baptist Church, Outreach Ministry, Holyween 2022 (Video)
What are some theological themes about God found in Genesis 1-11? State and identify with Scripture reference the themes you consider to be of major importance to a biblical understanding of God. Briefly explain their significance.
What are some theological themes about mankind found in Genesis 1-11? State and identify with Scripture reference some of the themes you consider to be of major importance to a biblical understanding of mankind. Briefly explain their significance.
United Baptist Church, Fun In Fellowship Ministry Announcement
United Baptist Church Men’s Retreat 2022 (Photos).
United Baptist Church goes to the Movie Theater to watch Lifemark! (Photo)