Tag: Biblical People
Dark Friday Special: 7 Last Words/Sayings, “It is Finished, Τετέλεσται” (John 19:30) – Video
This is the Dark Friday Special Presentation on Jesus’ 7 last words.
“News Report” on Jesus Christ (Video)
This is a “News Report” on Jesus Christ for my video assignment that could not exceed 3 minutes. Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word of …
Is John the Baptist the same person as John the Apostle (author of John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Revelation)?
No, they are not the same. John the Baptist was Jesus’s cousin, the son of Zechariah, six months older than Jesus (which is how some …
Inventors of the Alphabets (Photos)
Museum of the Bible Exhibit, Inventors of the Alphabets at the Vatican Library
Samaritans “Guardians of the Torah” (Photos & Video)
Museum of the Bible Exhibit on the Samaritans “Guardians of the Torah”. Only 850 remaining!
Esther 4:1-17, Esther & Mordecai (Conversation Analysis)
As related to Esther and God’s redemptive mission, what is the significance of timing, the place, and the choice to be made by her?
Ephesians 4:7-16, Paul (Exegesis Research)
Exegesis research paper with Thesis statement. Explores the historical, cultural, and literary contexts. I then Analyze and exegete the text verse-by-verse utilizing the commentaries and journal articles. I Address the significance and application of the passage to the Christian life and church ministry.
2 Chronicles 29, Hezekiah (Interpretive Commentary)
This is an interpretive paper but structured as a commentary would be structured, following the literary units within the assigned Old Testament passage, and providing interpretive analysis of each literary unit. The Interpretive Commentary engages directly with the biblical text to observe, interpret, and apply the text through an inductive means that also incorporates research into the interpretive issues that surround the historical, literary, and theological elements of Scripture.